Beni culturali in Alto Adige

Rete Civica dell’Alto Adige - Il portale della Pubblica Amministrazione

"The Thin Line"

"Salomon and Descente Presents A Jalbert Production of Les Descendeurs, Die Abfahrer, I Discesisti" "The Thin Line", produced and directed by Joe Jay Jalbert & Kim Takal: Film über den Abfahrtssport, mit Skirennen in Morzine-Avoriaz (F), Crans Montana (CH), Lake Placid (USA), Kitzbühel (AUT); vertont.

Kurzbeschreibung in "SKI", January 1980, S. 46: "Les Descendeurs - The Thin Line (22 min.): Produced by Jalbert Productions. A spectacular, captivating film on the life of a downhill racer - his highs, lows, frights and frustrations. The footage ist fast, alwazs on the brink, with welcome-contrast lapses into the thoughts of the downhiller, both on and off the course, while competing on the World Cup. Suberb narration, special effects an musical score. One of directos Joe Jay Jalbert's best."

Denominazione oggetto:
Numero d'inventario:
Jacobs, Rodney H.
1970 - 1979
Luogo raffigurato:
Morzine-Avoriaz, Crans Montana, Lake Placid, Kitzbühel
filmato (film 16 mm)
Archivio audiovisivo di storia contemporanea
lunghezza 23 min
Parola chiave:
Sport, Abfahrtssport, Abfahrer, Abfahrtsrennen, Sciare, Skirennfahrer, Skirennen, Skisport, Sport invernale, Sportveranstaltung


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