Beni culturali in Alto Adige

Rete Civica dell’Alto Adige - Il portale della Pubblica Amministrazione

Titled (A.A.I.A.I.)

Stampa photostat su foglio di plastica, montato su alluminio. Il testo stampato è un estratto tratto da un dizionario inglese-latino riferito alla parola "meaning".
In alto, entro rettangolo giallo, un passaggio tratto da "The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences" ("Le parole e le cose") di Michel Foucault:

"To search for a meaning is to bring to light a resemblance. To search for the law governing signs is to discover /
the things that are alike. The grammar of beings is an exegesis of these things. And what the language they speak /
has to tell us is quite simply what the syntax is that binds them together. The nature of things, their coexistence, /
the way in which they are linked together and communicate is nothing other than their resemblance. And that /
resemblance is visible only in the network of signs that crosses the world from one end to the other. M.F.".

In basso, entro rettangolo viola, un passaggio tratto da "Rhetoric and Philosophy in Conflict: An Historical Survey" di Samuel IJsseling:

"Each word is naturally an answer: an answer to a word which is older /
and more original than the word itself. This word is the word of another. /
Each word essentially demands an answer: a response in the sense of /
approval or disapproval. This word is also the word of another. A.I.".

In basso, a sinistra, i dati documentari riferiti all'opera:
'Titled (A.A.I.A.I.)', The Menil Collection, Houston, USA, 1967.

Denominazione oggetto:
Numero d'inventario:
Kosuth, Joseph
Archivio di Nuova Scrittura, Collezione Museion
pellicola, alluminio
stampato, incollato
Fondazione MUSEION. Museo d'arte moderna e contemporanea Bolzano
opera altezza 120 cm, opera larghezza 120 cm, opera profondità 2 cm
Note storico-critiche:
Opera dalla serie "Titled (A.A.I.A.I.)": Art as Idea as Idea.


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