

Weather mobil | Autonomous province of Bozen/Bolzano - South Tyrol

District Bolzano, Überetsch and Unterland

we th fr sa su mo
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy Partly cloudy Cloudy, thunderstorm with moderate shower Partly cloudy
Probability of precipitation
Probability of precipitation Probability of precipitation Probability of precipitation Probability of precipitation Probability of precipitation Probability of precipitation
0  - 5 mm 0  - 5 mm 0  - 10 mm 0  - 5 mm 0  - 20 mm 0  - 5 mm
Probability of thunderstorms
possible possible possible possible likely possible
Temperatures: Min/Max
we th fr sa su mo
21° 33° 21° 35° 21° 34° 21° 33° 21° 32° 21° 32°
Trend of temperature
Trend of temperature
Danger of frost in the valleys
unlikely unlikely unlikely unlikely unlikely unlikely