Jacopo Candotti

*1982: after leaving the Artistic High School in Bozen/Bolzano, he attended sculpture courses at the Carrara Academy then the Brera Academy, Milan, from where he graduated in painting. He lives and works in Bozen/Bolzano.

Selected projects and exhibitions:

2011 Officina Italia, Fabrica, Gambettola-ALT, Bergamo-S.Carpoforo, Milan-Ex Macello, Padua
2010 Videoreport Italia, Civic Gallery, Monfalcone-MAN, Nuoro, Prague Biennale
2009, Dimmi con chi vai e ti dirò chi sei, Neon>Campobase, Bologna
2008, No man is an island, Museion at Eurac Tower, Bozen/Bolzano (individual)2007 Invisible Miracles, Via Farini, Milan
